LUTHER 500 AUDIO November 1, 2017 Leave a comment Web Admin Church News, College, Conference, Resources, RP Global Alliance ALSO AVAILABLE AT COLLEGE PAGE HERE ADDRESSES ALSO AVAILABLE IN NEW PUBLICATION LUTHER -THE MAN AND HIS MESSAGE £6 from Covenanter Bookshop LUTHER-THE MAN AND HIS MESSAGE CONFERENCE CULLYBACKEY 31st OCTOBER 2017 Click title to download individual file 1. Rev. K. Hyndman – Luther’s Life & Ministry 2. Prof. D. McKay – Luther’s rediscovery of Justification by Faith 3. Rev. A. Kerr – Luther and the Scriptures 4. Prof. N. Wilson – Luther and the Psalter 5. Prof. R. McCollum – Luther and Prayer 6. Rev Kenneth Stewart Luther and the Gospel Phil.3;1-11 Zip file containing all files download HERE Share: 1538 Prev article Next article