Reformed Presbyterian Church Statement on same-sex marriage and abortion in Northern Ireland
July 9, 2019
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The Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland deplores the passing of the amendments to the NI Executive Formation Bill legalising both same-sex marriage and abortion in Northern Ireland. This is a tyrannical and undemocratic arrogation of devolved powers by Westminster to impose laws upon the people of Northern Ireland for which they have not voted. Marriage is a holy institution given by God for the monogamous, lifelong union of men and women and is the only proper setting for sexual congress.Each individual human life begins at the moment of conception and deserves the protection of the law, not exposure by the law to harm. The amendments to the NI Executive Formation Bill violate the law of God the Creator. God is the Judge and he will not remain silent. Moreover, his Son, Jesus Christ, is King not only of the church but also over the nation. We therefore urge the members of parliament who proposed and voted for the amendments to the Bill to repent. The Scriptures say clearly, “Kiss the Son lest he be angry and you perish in the way, for His wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in Him” (Psalm 2:12).