History of RP work in France:
The Church in Ireland first sent a team of missionaries to France in 1986. Having completed language study in Massy, the team, made up of Rev Malcolm Ball and Rev Blair McFarland with their families, and Miss Margaret McMullan, moved to Nantes in 1988. Margaret McMullan retired from the work in 2000 and in 2006 Rev McFarland returned to Ireland and took up the pastoral charge of the Bready congregation.
Malcolm and Muriel Ball were joined in Nantes in 2011 by Rev Andrew Lytle and his wife Heather and in 2019 the Balls retired and returned to Northern Ireland.
Rev Malcolm & Mrs Muriel Ball
Rev Andrew & Mrs Heather Lytle
Eglise Réformée Evangélique d’Orvault (Nantes)
141 Rte de Rennes
Téléphone : 06 31 46 93 06
Email : ere.orvault@orange.fr
Church in Nantes: www.ere-presbyterienne.com
Getting there:
The meeting place is easiest found from the ring road. At Porte de Rennes, instead of following direction Rennes, follow direction Orvault-Grand Val. This takes you on to route de Rennes. Continue straight for 800yds and the meeting place is on the right at the corner with rue de Reynière. 141 route de Rennes, 44700 Orvault.
What’s on?
The worship service every Lord’s Day morning is at 10:30. The service is conducted in French but an English translation of the sermon is available. Every two months a church lunch is held after the service in a nearby hall.
On Monday evenings, in the Lytle’s home, a Bible Study is held in English. This is to cater for the large number of people living, working or studying in the Nantes area who do not speak sufficient French to benefit properly from services or Bible studies conducted in French.
On Wednesday evenings the regular midweek Bible study takes place in our church building.
On Thursday evenings there is an English Café for students which meets in a café beside the university and which brings together students from many different nationalities and backgrounds.
Each month, on the 3rd Thursday, a « friendship meal » is provided for people in the area who come for a chat and a light lunch.
One-off events such as Irish evenings and special evangelistic meetings are also organized from time to time.
On the Web:
The Eglise Réformée Evangélique d’Orvault website www.eglisenantesnord.org is an invaluable means of outreach and communication and is attracting an ever-growing number of visitors. The weekly sermons can be listened to or read via the website. The dedicated youtube site has been widely accessed throughout the French speaking world.
Outreach Teams
Outreach teams have been coming to Nantes at Easter each year since 1990 to help with different aspects of the work. This maintains an active connection between France and the irish and Scottish Reformed Presbyterian churches.
How can you help:-
- Prayer
Prayer is a vital element in the work and the prayer support of hundreds of Christian friends throughout the world is greatly appreciated. Each month prayer requests and updates are sent to supporting churches and individuals. Prayer letters which give a more personal insight into missionary life in France are also sent. If you would like to receive these, contact either Malcolm or Andrew and ask to be added to the email lists.
Many congregations pray regularly for the work in France but we would also encourage individuals to set up prayer groups to pray specifically for France with people who share a similar burden for the work.
- Visit Nantes and worship with us –
Nantes is easily reached. By plane there are flights from many airports throughout Europe. Trains come from most major cities elsewhere in France. The missionaries will be able to suggest accommodation possibilities in the area.
- Take a gap year/career break to work or study in Nantes
There are many international students who go to Nantes to study, many of whom have little or no French. Others go as part of their university language studies. Whatever the reason, the Mission team is always delighted to welcome those who go with a desire to serve and be involved in the life of the fellowship. There are opportunities to be involved with most aspects of the work but especially with the work among students and the teenagers in the church.
Opportunities are not just limited to students. If someone is willing to be flexible in terms of their work and willing to make an effort to learn enough of the language to get by, then there is a place for them in Nantes. If you would like to investigate the possibility of moving to Nantes to be involved with the fellowship there, contact any of the missionaries.
- Continue to support the mission financially
As with all missionary situations, the work in Nantes is maintained thanks to the generous, sacrificial giving of God’s people throughout the world. This generosity is gratefully acknowledged by the mission team and fellowship in Nantes. Most giving takes place within the context of local congregations but it is also possible for individuals to make contributions directly to the Mission Committee treasurer or directly to the fellowship in Nantes.
The Mission Committee has embarked on an exciting new Reformed misson work in Southern Spain. Rev Isaac Berracal and his wife Rachel and family are currenting partnering with a local church seeking to develop and plant new works in the region of Malaga. Isaac is a Spanish national who, having worked for a number of years in Northern Ireland and is a member of the RPCI, studied in our college and was ordained for mission work in Spain in 2018. As we directly support this work, we watch with prayerful interest as to how it develops. If you wish to be put in touch with Isaac please use the contact form on the main rpc.org page.